Some Boring introduction

This is my first attempt at writing a blog. Despite being strange, and kind of old-fashioned, it might actually be fun so I thought of giving it a try.

I still do not know if this will be a fixed activity, or more influenced by randomness, and what I will talk about. Short term topics are likely to be a mix of Mathematics, music, films, and socially felt problems. My guess is that I will talk a bit about what I am studying at the moment, and occasionally use some posts to talk about non work related topics. The general aim is collecting thoughts to see what changes in years in terms of writing, thinking and seeing.

Content Delivery

Concerning non Science related subjects, I would like this to be a free area in which I can type down whatever comes to my mind. Respect will be always kept, but please keep in mind that as Twitter users state in their bio: “opinions are my own”.

I guarantee you that I will not be as hard as one of my favourite radio programs, “La Zanzara” on Radio24, but at the same time not as soft as national television. I feel like one of the most important things in life are discussion and developing ideas, and a blog looks like a perfect fit for both.


The impression is that I am bad at writing in both English and Italian, the only two languages I known enough to even formulate more than 3 sentences. I might alternate between the two indefinitely, but will point out when a post is in my native language. It is hihgly likely that academic and life matters will be repsectively in English and Italian, with occasional crossover English posts when talking about international topics that are non technical.